July 27, 2020
The Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC/CUNY) 2020-2025 strategic plan is now online and available for review by the BMCC community.
In a message, BMCC President Anthony E. Munroe said BMCC’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025, Designing for Success: Taking What Works to Scale, will move the college towards achieving its vision and mission over the next five years.
The Designing for Success strategic plan is enhanced and web-based. That allows college community members, supporters, and other key stakeholders to obtain access to all the information it contains and better understand the college’s priorities, goals, actions as well key performance indicators, according to President Munroe.
“This plan is the cornerstone of all of our assessment and planning activities and the site will ensure it is a living document – one that provides updates, dashboards, and opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to share their stories,” said Munroe.
Input from more than 1,000 members of the BMCC community in the Designing for Success initiative was vital to developing the strategic plan. The president said their continued input will be foundational to its successful implementation.
While student learning and educational outcomes are the driving institutional indicator of effectiveness, the plan was also created to ensure that BMCC continues to enhance its culture of care and ensures a community in which all members—students, faculty and staff— can thrive.
Initially, four goals were developed to drive the Designing for Success Strategic Planning process. As a result of the comprehensive two-year development process, the goals were transitioned into overarching strategic priorities for the 2020-2025 strategic plan.
A fifth priority was added both in recognition of the increasingly important role of community colleges in leading societal change and as a result of the COVID 19 health crisis, the corresponding economic downturn and justice protests across the city, state, country, and world. The resulting strategic priorities for Designing for Success are:
- Improve retention to double degree completion rates, and increase successful transfer and baccalaureate attainment;
- Improve learning through culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy and support;
- Expand career development leading to meaningful work with family-sustaining wages;
- Achieve equity in student outcomes in a college community in which all members can thrive; and
- Strengthen BMCC’s role in creating an equitably thriving NYC
BMCC relies on its institutional effectiveness model, which integrates planning, assessment, and resource allocation, to operationalize the strategic plan. Through annual assessments, academic program and unit reviews, budget alignment, and the new operational planning reports, the College has designed a process that connects the day-to-day operations, regular reporting, and planning efforts of academic programs and academic, educational, and student (AES) support units to the strategic plan.
To explore and learn more about BMCC’s strategic plan, visit the website.
- Designing for Success: Taking What Works to Scale is cornerstone of assessment and planning, says BMCC President
- Strategic Plan website provides goals, process and key performance indicators
- Strategic plan utilizes institutional assessment model