August 25, 2022
Psychology majors at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC/CUNY) can now enroll in a STEM track that will prepare them to pursue a career that is focused on neuroscience and other STEM areas.
The STEM/Psychology program, which is housed in the BMCC Department of Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice, was created through a $605,000 grant from the National Science Foundation Advancing Innovation and Impact in Undergraduate STEM Education at Two-Year Institutions of Higher Education program.
The principal investigators for the grant are Sangeeta Bishop, department chair, and Janice Walters, deputy chair. Co-principal investigators are Assistant Professor Monica Foust, Associate Professor Masha Komolova and Associate Professor Kelly Rodgers.
BMCC’s mission to advance equity in an inclusive learning environment is reflected in the grant title: “Creating a Path to STEM Careers in Psychology for Underrepresented Minorities.”
“The mistrust displayed by some communities of color of the medical establishment’s responses and innovations regarding COVID-19 treatment underscores the importance of increased representation in fields like neuroscience and medicine at large,” says Professor Rodgers. “Frankly, when communities that have been mistreated by science are then included in the innovations and are given the opportunity to become the innovators as well, this helps to build the necessary trust.”
Graduates of the STEM/Psychology program will be prepared to succeed in advanced psychology and science courses in baccalaureate programs at senior colleges. They will have the option to transfer without loss of credit into the Bachelor of Science in Psychology program at the City College of New York, CUNY.
Careers that are neuroscience-focused include becoming a neuroscience professor or researcher, a physician, nurse or healthcare professional in the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, optometry and many others.
An individual with a neuroscience background can also pursue a career as a speech and language therapist for children with neurological disorders. They can become a virtual reality developer, a cognitive test administrator, genetic counselor, science writer, and work in many other capacities.
While completing their STEM/Psychology degree at BMCC, students will receive free tutoring from supplemental instructors and be part of a supportive community of students and faculty focused on the many aspects of STEM/Psychology studies.
They will take discipline-related courses including Brain & Behavior, Cognitive Psychology and Research in Psychology. They will also be able to choose from electives including Psychology of Personality, Cultural Psychology and Foundations of Black Psychology.
For more information about the STEM/Psychology major at BMCC, contact PsychedForSTEM@bmcc.cuny.edu.
The STEM/Psychology major relates to the BMCC Strategic Plan including Strategic Goal #6: Integrate career development throughout the student experience.
- Psychology majors can now enroll in a STEM track that will prepare them to pursue a career focused on neuroscience and other STEM areas
- The STEM/Psychology program, housed in the BMCC Department of Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice, was created through a $605,000 NSF grant
- Graduates will transfer seamlessly into the B.S. in Psychology program at City College of New York, CUNY.