Silvia Fister

Picture of Silvia    Roig

Modern Languages


Office: S-601G

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Phone: +1 (212) 776-6634

Silvia Roig received her Ph.D. in Spanish Literature, With Special Distinction from the University of Kentucky in 2013. She is currently teaching Spanish literature and language at BMCC-CUNY, NY. Her areas of specialization include 20th Century Spanish Literature, Contemporary Women’s Narrative and Catalan Literature. She was awarded in 2015 with the Premio de Monografia Victoria Urbano by the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica for her manuscript on Aurora Bertrana’s work and she has recently published her book: Aurora Bertrana. Innovación liter aria y subversión de género (2016).



Courses Taught

Research and Projects


“Aurora Bertrana. Innovación literaria y subversión de género.” Aurora Bertrana (1892-1974), an unknown writer today, was a successful and recognized female author in Catalonia and Spain during the 20th century. Bertrana’s novels reveal a unique interest in non-Western cultures and lifestyles, and her work undertakes controversial topics and socio-cultural issues, while she observes and draws special attention to the situation of women in different circumstances and cultural geographies.

In her book, Professor Roig studies Bertrana’s work from a feminist perspective, taking into account the intellectual history of Spain and Catalonia, and drawing on the work of feminists such as Simone De Beauvoir, Shulamith Firestone, Jelke Boesten, Margaret and Patrice Higonnet, Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Julia Kristeva to help assess Bertrana’s engagement with gender and socio-political issues.

Honors, Awards and Affiliations

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