Rebecca R. Garte

Picture of Rebecca Garte, Phd.

Teacher Education


Office: S-616D

Office Hours: TBD

Phone: +1 (212) 220-1291

Professor Rebecca Garte leads courses on the psychological foundations of early childhood education and other subjects through the Teacher Education department at Borough of Manhattan Community College/CUNY. Her grant-funded research has focused on social development among children in Head Start, and the relationship between social development and academic achievement from pre-school through elementary school. She is also an expert on the role of intersubjectivity in children’s development from infancy through adolescence, as well as attachment theory and the impact of culture and cultural differences on all areas of development.

Currently, Professor Garte is working on a book project that will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2024. Entitled “Developing Together: Collaborative competence as a new way of understanding children in schools”, the book will provide an extensive summary of her developmental research and the literature that provides the scholarly context for it. She is also investigating the factors that impact BMCC student teachers completing the teacher pipeline using longitudinal mixed methods including video analysis of pedagogical interactions during fieldwork. In addition, she is working with other teacher education faculty colleagues on researching the CITE initiative and its impact on students and faculty. Finally, a separate research track investigates the cultural validity of wide spread self report measures of the adolescent psychological functioning. In addition, Professor Garte continues to collaborate and consult voluntarily with practitioners and policy makers regarding New York City public schools.


Social and Cognitive developmental processes from infancy through childhood

Professional development for early childhood and elementary school teachers

Cultural critiques of Anglo-centric measures of psychological development and cultural psychology focusing on development


Early childhood and elementary curriculum and authentic assessment


  • M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University, Curriculum and Instruction, Specialization in Early Childhood,
  • Ph.D. The Graduate Center, CUNY, Psychology, Concentration in Developmental

Courses Taught

Research and Projects

(Under Review for 2024) Does the socio-cultural context of early fieldwork predict completion of the teacher pipeline for community college education students? Spencer Small Research Grant, $50,000 Primary Investigator

2023-2024, I Do, We Do, You Do: Introducing Computational Thinking to Teacher Education Faculty and Students, Robinhood Foundation , $27000, Co-PI

2020-2021 Building the early part of the teacher pipeline: Factors that Impact Transfer and Retention Rates of Early Childhood Education Community College Students.  Community College Collaborative Research Grant, $15,000, Primary Investigator

2019-2021 How are Community College Students’ Academic Self- Concepts Influenced by Attachment Security and Relationships with Professors? PSC-CUNY Grant, $5,999.00, Primary Investigator

2019-2020 Community college students’ perceptions of key  psychological constructs: a within culture exploration. Faculty development Grant: $5000, Primary Investigator

2016-2019 Comprehensive Educator Empowerment Program, William K. Kellogg Foundation, $408,000, Primary Investigator and Project Director



Book Contract Signed 6/23, book currently in production,  Developing Together: Collaborative competence as a new way of understanding children in schools, Cambridge University Press

Peer Reviewed Publications

Garte, R., & Kronen, C. (2021). From the Margins of the Classroom to Mattering: How   Community College Education Students Develop Future Teacher Identities. The Educational Forum, 85(2), 175-192.

Garte, R., & Kronen, C. (2020). You’ve Met Your Match: Using Culturally Relevant       Pairing to Cultivate Mentoring Relationships during the Early Practicum Experience of Community College Preservice Teachers. The Teacher Educator, 55(4), 347-372.

Garte, R. (2019) Collaborative competence during preschooler’s peer interactions: considering multiple levels of context within classrooms. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Research,54,1 30-51

Garte, R. (2017) American progressive education and the schooling of poor children: A brief history of a philosophy in practice. International Journal of Progressive Education, 13, 2

Garte, R. & Allen, M. (2017) Becoming a community: How an arts-integrated curriculum supported the development of English language learners in one kindergarten classroom. In: Dell’Angelo, T., Ammentorp, L. & Madden, L. Using photography and other arts- based methods with English Language Learners: Guidance, Resources and Activities for K-12 Educators. Rowman & Littlefield

Garte, R. (2016) A socio-cultural, activity- based account of preschooler intersubjectivity. Culture and Psychology, 22, 2, 264-275

Garte, R. (2015) Inter-subjectivity as a measure of social competence among children attending Head Start: Assessing the measure’s validity and relation to context. International Journal of Early Childhood, 47,189-207

Garte, R. (2014) The Family in the Classroom: How a Culturally Valid Learning Community Transforms the identity of Latino/a College Students. in Medina, Y. and Macaya, A.D. (pp142-153) Latino(o)as on the East Coast: A Critical Reader


Honors, Awards and Affiliations

Reviewer for Faculty Development Grant, PSC-CUNY Grant, Social Development, Early Child Development and Care, The Teacher Educator, Teaching and Teacher Education,

Additional Information



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