Rachel Corkle
Associate Professor
Modern Languages
EMAIL: rcorkle@bmcc.cuny.edu
Office: S-601H
Office Hours:
Phone: +1 (212) 220-8271
Rachel Corkle completed her Ph.D. at New York University during which time she spent two years at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Her research focuses on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French literature. She loves sharing her passion for French literature and language with BMCC students!
French and Francophone Literature from the 18th and 19th centuries
Ph.D. French, New York University, École Normale Supérieure
Phil. French Literature, Honors, New York University
M.A. French Literature, New York University
B.A. Literature/French, New College of Florida (with study at Columbia Programs in Paris, Université du Québec Chicoutimi)
Courses Taught
Research and Projects
Books in Progress:
La Filleule by George Sand, critical edition, in collaboration with Annabelle M. Rea. In George Sand, Oeuvres completes, under the direction of Béatrice Didier. Paris: Champion, forthcoming.
Sexing up the Romantic : Libertine Language in George Sand’s Century.
“Les multiples voix de l’histoire : la polyphonie dans Cadio de George Sand ” in L’Histoire feuilletée : Dispositifs intertextuels dans la fiction historique du XIXe siècle. Eds. Claudie Bernard et Corinne Saminadayar-Perrin. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2022.
“La longue portée d’un court texte : La voix poétique de Mirza et ses échos” in Romans et fictions brèves dans la littérature française du XIXe siècle :Interférences tensions, dialogues. Eds. Claudie Bernard et Chantal Massol. Grenoble: Éditions Université Grenoble Alpes, 2022.
“Sand’s Insular Ecology: Isolation and Relation in Un hiver à Majorque,” in Water Imagery in George Sand’s Work. Eds. Françoise Ghillebaert and Madeline Vala, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
“L’esprit dans les jambes ou la page blanche de la danseuse épistolaire” in George Sand et l’idéal : Une recherche en écriture. Ed. Damien Zanone. Paris : Honoré Champion, 2017.
“Jean Paille and Jean-Jacques: The Roots of a Natural Education” in George Sand Studies Vol. 33-34 (2014-2015). (Published 12.16)
“Seeing Jean-Jacques’ Nature: Rousseau’s Call for a Botanist Reader” in Rousseau, Romanticism and Switzerland. Eds. Angela Esterhammer, Diane Piccitto & Patrick Vincent. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2015.
“Entretien, roman, théâtre? Le dialogue philosophique et la formation du lecteur herméneute dans Le Diable aux champs,” in Ecriture, performance et théâtralité dans l’œuvre de George Sand. Eds Catherine Nesci & Olivier Bara in collaboration with Anne Marcoline & Annabelle Rea. Grenoble: Éditions Littéraires et Linguistiques de l’Université de Grenoble, 2014.
“Listening for Giselle’s Bijoux Indiscrets: How Gautier Dressed the Libertine in a Tutu” Women In French Studies. Ed. Markus Cruse. Special Volume. New York, Western Publishing, 2014.
“Language and Music in Dialogue” George Sand Studies Vol. 31 (2012-2013): 109-123.
Honors, Awards and Affiliations
BMCC Faculty Development Grant (2021-2022)
PSC CUNY Award (multiple)
George Sand Association Memorial Prize (2013)
New York University Dean’s Outstanding Student-Teaching Award (2011)
Phi Beta Kappa Walter Jensen Fellowship (2008)
NYU College of Arts and Science Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2006)