Lisa Sarti

Modern Languages
Office: S-601V
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Phone: +1 (212) 346-7246
Lisa Sarti is an established scholar of Pirandello with expertise in Italian fin-de-siècle visual culture, fiction, and the performing arts. She is Associate Professor of Italian at BMCC – The City University of New York in Manhattan, where she teaches courses on Italian language, literature, and culture. She has taught Pirandello’s works and thought both at the graduate and undergraduate level at different institutions, such as Hunter College, Princeton, and Harvard University, where she was the recipient of the Lauro De Bosis Lectureship in the History of Italian Civilization (2017). She has published extensively on Pirandello’s storytelling, visual thought and theatre, as well as on the cinematic adaptation of his short stories, with her essays appearing in book chapters as invited contributions and in well-established literary journals.
Courses Taught
Research and Projects
Her main field of research is fin-de-siècle visual culture, Italian theater and early cinematography, as well as the intersection of literature with the performing arts.
Professor Sarti has published articles on Arrigo Boito, Melodrama, Female artists of the Cafè Chantant, the prose of Annie Vivanti, American musical theater, and Pirandello’s storytelling and theatre, as well the cinematic adaptation of his short stories. She has co-edited (with Michael Subialka) the volume Pirandello’s Visual Philosophy: Imagination and Thought across Media (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2017) and co-authored (with Michael Subialka and Carlo Di Lieto) the monograph Scrittura di immagini: Pirandello e la visualità tra arte, filosofia e psicoanalisi (Rubbettino, 2021). In addition to these publications, Professor Sarti is co-editor of PSA, The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America and is an invited board member of the Italian literary journal Ariel, which was co-founded by Pirandello himself in 1898, and SOPHIA, Journal of Art Literature and Science.