Leasha E. Lindsay

Picture of Leasha    Lindsay

Assistant Professor
Deputy Chairperson

EMAIL: llindsay@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office: S-731C

Office Hours:

Phone: +1 (212) 776-8236

Assistant Professor Leasha Lindsay joined the nursing faculty at BMCC in 2016. She currently teaches Fundamentals of Nursing as Lead Instructor for Nursing 112 and teaches Clinical at Woodhull Hospital and other clinical sites Ms. Lindsay also supervises nursing majors as they complete their rotations NYSIM, where they work in simulated scenario with lifelike computerized mannequins, acquiring skills to apply in medical emergencies.


Adult Education


Adelphi University
M.S. in Adult Nurse Practitioner, January 2012
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, January 2006

Courses Taught

Research and Projects


Honors, Awards and Affiliations

Additional Information