Laurie J. Lomask

Associate Professor
Modern Languages
Office: S-601C
Office Hours: Tues 2-3 pm, Thurs 12:30-2:30 pm, and by appointment
Phone: +1 (212) 220-8107
Professor Lomask’s work focuses on connecting literature and movement arts. She studies poetry, walking, theater, and dance in Spain and Latin America.
At BMCC she teaches Spanish language and literature. All of her classes are textbook-optional and involve student-directed content.
She started at CUNY in 2015 at Bronx Community College and came to BMCC two years later.
Modern Spanish literature, poetics, experimental theater. Contemporary Brazilian culture. Literature and the body, dance, and movement. Oral histories.
Open educational resources, active and movement-based learning, learning communities.
Ph.D. (2014), Spanish and Portuguese, Yale University
Thesis title: Modernity in Stride, Walking in Modern Spanish Literature
Courses Taught
- This course is for students who have had no previous background in Spanish. Grammar is taught inductively and simple texts are read. Speaking, reading, and writing are emphasized students who have taken SPN 103 will not receive credit for this course.
Prerequisite: Departmental Placement - In this continuation of Spanish I, grammar, composition and oral comprehension are developed and supplemented by readings or Spanish texts. Students who have taken SPN 107 will not receive credit for this course.
Prerequisite: SPN 105 or Departmental Placement - Study in this course includes a review of grammar and reading plus discussion of selected works by modern authors. Self-expression through oral and written reports is emphasized.
Prerequisite: SPN 106 or SPN 121 or departmental approval - This course involves intensive oral work consisting of discussions of Hispanic films. Drills in pronunciation, intonation and rhythm are included as well as several oral presentations throughout the course. Films will be screened during class sessions or as homework assignments. Readings, written work, and discussions will be in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPN 200 or SPN 108 or departmental placement - This intensive writing course emphasizes comprehension, writing, and analysis of contemporary and classical texts.
Prerequisite: SPN 200 or departmental approval - This course is an introduction to Spanish theatre through the reading and analysis of the major playwrights - Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, Moratín, El Duque de Rivas, Benito Pérez Galdós, and Jacinto Benavente - from the Seventeenth Century to the Generation of 1898.
Prerequisite: SPN 300 or any SPN 400 level course (except SPN 476) or departmental approval - This course is a survey of the literature, culture and civilization of the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Haiti, and Jamaica) geared to the understanding of their heritage as it is preserved by their languages and their artistic achievements. Readings are mainly in English; class discussions are in English, Spanish, and any other modern language.
Prerequisite: SPN 300 or any SPN 400 level course (except SPN 476) or departmental approval
Research and Projects
Walking in modern Spanish literature.
César Vallejo and the theatrics of empathy.
Narrative structures of Brazilian samba.
OER for Spanish language courses.
2018 “Leer a Vallejo desde Valle-Inclán”. Actas del Tercer Congreso Internacional Vallejo, Siempre, Editorial Cátedra Vallejo, pp. 290-98.
2017 “Tres cartas de Galdós.” Anales Galdosianos, vol. 52, pp. 93-100.
2016 Benito Pérez Galdós. Correspondencia. Ed. Alan Smith, María Ángeles Rodríguez Sánchez, Laurie Lomask, Cátedra.
Honors, Awards and Affiliations
Centro de Estudios Vallejianos, NYC Chapter President.