Hyacinth C. Martin

Picture of Hyacinth    Martin


EMAIL: hmartin@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office: S-731C

Office Hours:

Phone: +1 (212) 220-8236

Hyacinth Martin is a tenured full professor at BMCC. Professor Martin’s career spans years of nursing experiences which include medical-surgical nursing, critical care nursing, community nursing, administrative nursing and collegiate education. In 1999, Hyacinth was a quest speakeron WMBC-TV (Channel 63, Newton, N.J), pertaining to multicultural marriage and its effects on family.
Publications include articles for nursing journals, chapters in textbooks, and the author of Case Studies in Pharmacology, published by Thomson Delmar Publishing Company.
Other contributions (along with my husband) to education include adoption of a basic school in Jamiaca West Indies. Sponsoring of nursing students in Davao City, Phillipines.


molecukar genetics


Courses Taught

Research and Projects


Honors, Awards and Affiliations

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