Hardaye Hansen

Hardaye Hansen

Health Studies

EMAIL: hhansen@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office: N-798B

Office Hours: TBD

Phone: +1 (212) 776-6557

I recieved my MSW at Fordham University, and my doctorate in Health and Behavior Studies at Teacher’s College, Columbia University. I am also a proud alumni from both BMCC and Hunter College. 

I have been teaching at BMCC since Spring of 2006, and taught various courses including Comprehensive Health Education, Stress Management, Consumer Health, Death and Dying and Health Counseling.


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Immigrant Health, Communtiy Health Education, Child Abuse, Autism, Adolescence


  • B.A. CUNY Hunter College, English Language Arts,2002
  • Fordham University, Masters of Social Work,2005
  • Ed.D. Teachers College, Columbia University, Health & Behavior Studies,203

Courses Taught

Research and Projects

  • Acculturative Stress, Health Status, Health Knowledge of International Students’
    Research shows that international college students experience high levels of stress. The study will examine international students’ baseline physical and psychosocial health status and health knowledge as related to their acculterative stress levels both at the beginning and at the midpoint of the academic year. Reccomendations will be based on findinds so as to better prepare international students for the acculturation stressors they experience at BMCC.



  • Investigating the association of health literacy with health knowledge and health behavior outcomes in a sample of urban community college undergraduates.,American Journal of Health Education

Honors, Awards and Affiliations

Additional Information