The Blue Room

In the Blue Room you will find young three year old children involved in many activities.

Children Learn While Playing

The children in this room learn while they play. The room is divided into specific play areas; table toys, library, math activities, writing activities, science/discovery, art, block and dramatic play.

Free Choice Times

During the day the children have free choice time when they can choose their own toys and areas to play with and in; it is during this time that they enhance their cognitive, fine motor, and social/emotional skills.

Small Groups

We also have special times for small group and whole group projects, discoveries, and much more. The children develop their gross motor skills through playground time, inside movement, Zumba, and dancing with music time.  In our room you will have to use your 5 senses; you will: Hear lots of laughter, singing and talking See art, imagination and children interacting Smell and taste our cooking projects & Feel the love pouring out of the room.