RESOLVED, That the University Policy on Drug and Alcohol Education, adopted by The Board of Trustees of The City University of New York on March 30, 1987, be amended to read as follows: The City Universities affirms its continuing commitment to drug and alcohol education on campus. The University is committed to the development and conduct of educational and support programs directed toward the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, both legal and illegal. Implementation of this policy, which provides the framework for educational and support programs directed toward the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, is the responsibility of the individual colleges consistent with their governance plans and established disciplinary procedures. Each of the individual colleges shall incorporate into its program the annual distribution to each student and employee of the standards of conduct that prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on the college¿s property or as part of college activities and a statement of the sanctions for violation; a description of the applicable local, State, and Federal legal sanction for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol; a description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol; and a description of any drug or alcohol related counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs available to students or employees. Each college shall review the effectiveness of its program at least once every two years, implementing such changes as may be necessary.
Explanation: The Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and its implementing regulations require that a recipient of a Federal grant approved and awarded after March 18, 1989 “certify to the contracting agency that it will provide a drug-free workplace’ by complying with certain statutory requirements. The requirements are the publication and circulation to employees of a drug abuse policy that prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, and use of unlawful drugs in the workplace; specifies the penalties for violation of the policy; conditions employment upon employee willingness to abide by the policy; and requires employees to notify the employer of drug-related criminal convictions for unlawful conduct which occur in the workplace. The Council of Presidents and collective amendments, which will bring the University into compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Although these amendments apply only to employees of the University, Section 15.1 of the University Bylaws provides that students of the University “. . . shall obey the laws of the City, State, and Nation…” Students are thus already prohibited from engaging in conduct of the nature that is prohibited by proposed substantive rule 10.
Adoption of these amendments will also complement the University’s commitment, as reflected in March 30, 1987 to the development and conduct of educational and support programs directed toward the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, both legal and illegal.