I applied to STEP and haven’t heard back! Have I been accepted or rejected?
BMCC STEP reviews applications throughout the week and we send out acceptance/rejection letters on a weekly basis. If you have not heard back from us within seven – ten days, feel free to contact us; otherwise, please be patient. We try our best to send out letters in a timely fashion.
I was accepted into BMCC STEP! Will I be able to attend my #1 choice?
Congratulations on your acceptance! Students are placed into their 1st choice if space is still available within that class; otherwise, they are placed into their 2nd choice. If the 2nd class is filled to capacity, then the student is placed in their 3rd choice, et cetera. If you applied early, then you have a higher possibility of being placed into your 1st choice.
Is it mandatory to attend all events present on the calendar?
Absolutely not! You do not have to attend any of the events, but we prefer that you do. These events were chosen specifically so that you could learn more about potential colleges and other STEM events that occur within/around the city.
Will this program help me gain a better grade point average in my HS course(s)?
First and foremost, these classes are classified under academic enrichment. They are designed to enhance your overall academic knowledge of the subject matter and make your experience with the subject meaningful. If you signed up for the our BIO STEP class and you also happened to be attending a Biology class in your high school, then your knowledge of biology would undoubtedly widen.
Will students be able to take two courses during any sessions?
Students can only take the class/workshop which they sign up for and/or have been accepted to. STEP classes are designed to run for the entire scheduled time so students can learn and experience as much as possible. Experiments, research, and hands-on learning take time. All classes start at the same time in different classrooms, so it is impossible for a student to take two workshops. Simply put, there’s a time conflict.
My school/guidance counselor office is closed! My home is under attack by intergalatic monsters called the “procrastinators!” Do we have to send you transcripts immediately?
We prefer that the student send us the transcript shortly before or after they submit the online application. If the student is unable to provide the transcript immediately, then we will conditionally admit the student if he/she has been accepted into the program. The student must, at some point, provide us with a transcript. The sooner we receive the transcript, the better for the student and they can be taken off of the ”conditional admit” list and transferred to the “official admit” list.
That being said, we are aware of those intergalatic monsters, for they sometimes invade the STEP office too. Try to send us your transcripts as soon as possible.
What is the recommendation letter for? Who can write it?
Students who are interested in the research component of the program must have a recommendation letter. Students not interested in the research program do not need a recommendation letter. Recommendation letters should be written by a teacher or professional scholar who can objectively judge the scholastic aptitude/quality of the student (i.e., a university professor, researcher, etc). The admission process for student research is holistic and we need all required information to guarantee that the student in question has a fair chance during application review. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that the student send their recommendation letter as soon as possible.
Can you tell me more about the research component?
Our research program is limited and quite competitive. Accepted HS students will work with BMCC research students and associated faculty on a research topic that aligns with the HS student’s chosen academic subject. HS research students must commit to a full academic year (fall/spring) and choose at least one day/week to work with their chosen mentor. Research students must also attend their Friday STEP classes. Research will be conducted on BMCC premises, unless otherwise guided by the research mentor.
Who reviews my research application?
Two committees review your application and associated material(s): The BMCC STEP committee and the BMCC STEP Research committee. This is why it is imperative for us to acquire all necessary documentation. We have two teams dedicated to reviewing your application. We take research applications very seriously since spaces are limited and highly coveted.
I wasn’t accepted into the research component. Does this mean I have been rejected by STEP unofficially?
No! Absolutely not. Research positions are extremely competitive and space is limited. If you received an acceptance letter from us, but have been informed that you are not eligible for research this semester, this means that you’ve been accepted into our general program and we want you! You are welcome to attend our STEP Friday classes.
I wasn’t accepted into the BMCC STEP Research component. Can I apply for it next semester?
Certainly! Apply early and provide us with all updated application material so that we see any improvements/changes. We like to see persistence & passion!
If you have anymore questions, please feel free to email me at bmccstep@gmail.com