This section is for students applying to CSTEP who do not identify themselves as belonging to an underrepresented group.
If you determine that you do qualify for CSTEP as an economically disadvantaged student please submit your W2 tax form to room S430H.
Provide the following information for economic eigibility:
- Annual income ________________ (adjusted gross income on the 1040 tax form)
- Number of persons in household_________
- Number of persons employed___________
Economic Eligibility Criteria for First-Time CSTEP Students
New York State Opportunity Programs Income Eligibility Criteria
2013-14 through 2015-16
Number of Dependents |
2013-14 |
2014-15 |
2015-16 |
2 3 4 5 6 7 |
$28,694 $36,131 $43,568 $51,005 $58,442 $65,8792 1 |
$29,101 $36,612 $44,123 $51,634 $59,145 $66,6563 2 |
$29,471 $37,167 $44,863 $52,559 $60,255 $67,9514 3 |
1 Add $7,437 for each family member in excess of 7.
2 Add $7,511 for each family member in excess of 7.
3 Add $7,696 for each family member in excess of 7.
Eligibility determination should be based on figures listed on the income chart above.
Note: Income refers to all taxable and nontaxable funds received for support of the household in the calendar year prior to the academic year for which participation is sought. Household members include all individuals living therein who are dependent upon that income.
For the purpose of CSTEP, an independent student:
- is 26 years of age or older by December 31st of the academic year for which the participant is seeking acceptance into CSTEP; or
- is an orphan or ward of the court; or
- is a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States, who has engaged in active duty in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, and who was released under a condition other than dishonorable; or
- is a married individual; or
- has legal dependents other than a spouse; or
- is a student for whom an opportunity program and financial aid administrator have made a satisfactorily documented determination of independence by reason of other extraordinary circumstances.
Reference to the family income scale need not be made if the student falls into one of the following categories, and documentation is available:
- The student’s family is the recipient of: (1) Family Assistance Program Aid; or (2) Safety Net Assistance through the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, or a county department of social services; or (3) family day care payments through New York State Office of Children and Family Services Assistance, or a county department of social services; or
- The student is living with foster parents who do not provide support for college, and no monies are provided from the natural parents; or
- The student is a ward of the State or a county; or
- The student is enrolled or was enrolled in a State Sponsored Opportunity Program (i.e., EOP, HEOP, SEEK, College Discovery). See Attachment IV for sample form which documents transfers from opportunity programs.
Eligibility based on the previous criteria must be evaluated and documented by the CSTEP coordinator. Please provide a copy of the appropriate documentation (tax return, etc) along with your completed application.