Liesl B. Jones

Associate Provost

Liesl B. Jones

As a member of the President’s Cabinet, Associate Provost Liesl B. Jones provides broad-based leadership, planning and oversight to advance the academic mission of BMCC.

Dr. Jones works closely with academic leadership to promote and implement opportunities for enhancement in the quality and outcomes of existing academic programs to meet the needs of BMCC students. She brings a wealth of academic, administrative and research experience to BMCC.

In her most recent role as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Suffolk Community College, SUNY, Dr. Jones worked to develop and implement data-informed strategies to improve student access, progression and completion rates. Among the programs implemented during her tenure is a successful Certified Nursing Assistant program that produced its first cohort in Spring 2024.

Prior to her leadership role at Suffolk Community College, Dr. Jones served as Vice President of Academic Affairs at Baltimore City Community College, where she stabilized course scheduling, hired new deans, changed the structure of program review and developed new partnerships to better serve students as well as the greater Baltimore community. Through a collaboration with Workforce and the Baltimore Police Academy, Dr. Jones led the development of an articulation agreement that links the curriculum at the Workforce and the Police Academy to the Suffolk Community College’s Criminal Justice degree program.

Earlier in her career, Dr. Jones served as the founding Dean of STEM as well as interim Dean of Humanities at Union County College in New Jersey. In these roles, Dr. Jones worked to build a bridge between the STEM division and Humanities. She also managed the College’s Grants and Sponsored Programs division.

After earning a Bachelor of Science from Fordham University and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Allegheny University, Dr. Jones conducted her postdoctoral fellowship with the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical College.

Dr. Jones has served both as a Professor and Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences at Lehman College, CUNY, as well as interim Chair of the Chemistry Department. Over the years, she has been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals and has received numerous awards for her dedication and outstanding service.