Digital Marketing (A.S.)

laptop with analytics onscreen and hands using the laptop

The Department of Business Management offers the Associate of Science (A.S.) in Digital Marketing. Digital marketing includes the use of search engines, social media, email and other websites to help businesses connect with current and future customers. You can reach a larger audience with digital marketing than with traditional advertising as well as measure the results on a regular basis using analytic tools. Digital marketing is also less costly to use than traditional marketing techniques. For these reasons, the field is very popular and growing.

Some of the many job possibilities in this field are:

  • Email marketing specialist
  • Social media manager
  • Content manager
  • Digital marketing manager
  • Advertising manager
  • SEO specialist

With over 4 billion people using the internet as of 2021, there is a great need for people with digital marketing skills and a variety of careers to choice from.

Transfer Options

BMCC has an articulation agreement with City College so that students completing the A.S. degree in Digital Marketing can transfer seamlessly into the B.A. degree in Advertising and Public Relations without the loss of credits.

Explore Careers

BMCC is committed to  students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with a career advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.

Explore career paths for Digital Marketing (pdf)


Required Common Core

Flexible Core

Curriculum Requirements

Program Electives (Select 9 Credits)

Web Design
XXX xxx General Electives1 6
Total Curriculum Requirements 30
Total Program Requirements 60


  1. Some of these credits may be satisfied by STEM variants.

Business Management Department

Fiterman Hall, Room F-730
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-8205

Office Hours:
9 a.m.-7 p.m.
9 a.m.-6 p.m.